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Category: SCADA Design
Published on Saturday, 23 February 2019 18:58
Written by AltonaLab
Hits: 3397
Adding graphical elements to the diagram:
All the graphical objects can be added from the main application bar:
The graphical objects are: Functional blocks, Controls and Common purpose graphical objects.
Functional blocks:
The blocks are grouped in libraries according to their theirs functions. Double click over the block in order to add it:
Some controls are graphical objects which can visualize values from controlled/modelled process – Lamp, TextOut, Image... Another group of controls is human controlled input for the system, like Button, CheckBox, RadioButtons... Double click over the control in order to add it.
Common purpose graphical objects:
They are: Text, Bitmap, Color invertor, Color line, Transparent.
All the blocks and controls have unique names. It is impossible to grant a name of block or control, which doesn't already exists.