12 - 09 - 2024


Block Sequence

License: Industrial

The block has a task to switch digital outputs in sequence, which is described in inputs Seq1...Seq8. For example, if the inputs Seq1..Seq8 are with values 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, then on every front of input Next from low to hight level, one of the digital outputs Out1..Out8 will become to hight level in sequence Out8, Out7, Out6, Out5, Out4, Out3, Out2, Out1. Some of the inputs can be not connected. If the input Reset become to hight level, the sequence will be reset. When input SetOut become from low to hight level, the current sequent position will be set with value of input Out. Current integer value of digital output can be read from output CurrOut. When the switching of sequence is finished, the output OnEnd become to hight value for 1 sec.


Block TimeSchedule:

License: Hobby, Industrial

The block is very powerful and allows to be created complicated time periods to manage devices and processes by a time.

An unlimited number of time programs can be added using the block's Settings parameter. The output of the block Out will be at a high level if at least one of the programs (the rows in the grid) is active at the moment. To the list of programs, the output Out is their logical OR. Programs can be disabled using checkbox at first column of the grid Disable;

The elements of each program are: Program ID, Program Name and a few groups defining the program's working on certain criteria. Each group has a checkbox specifying whether a group setting will be used when the program is running:

Program Groups:

  • Months - during which months the program will run;
  • Day of week - which days of the week the program will run;
  • Day - whether to work on a Even, Odd day, or if the Per days option is chosen - per how many days it will work;

  • Calendar - can be set specific days of the year in which the program will work. All days are deactivated on default. A comment can be set on a certain day;
  • Time Schedule - Can be specified how long the program will run in hours. In this time period, can be specified internal periods during which the program will run. For example, if is set a period of 9:00h to 21:00h and an internal Period of 10 minutes, with a Time On time of 2 minutes, this means that in the 9:00h..21:00h period, the program will be switched ON for 2 minutes on each 10 min;

If more than one time group is checked, then the program will work in logical AND of all the groups used.

Other block's parameters:
PreliminaryOutSec - If we set a value in this parameter, then the output of the block - PreliminaryOut will Turn ON as many seconds as specified in the parameter before the program runtime occurs.

Block's outputs:

  • Out - becomes to a high level if at least one program works;
  • PreliminaryOut - Turn ON PreliminaryOutSec seconds before the output Out;
  • RunTimeSec - shows how many seconds the output Out will be at high level;
  • LastRun - DateTime of the last run of output Out;
  • NextRun - DateTime of the next run of output Out;
  • RunToday - how many times the block has worked today;
  • RunUpToDate - how many times the block has worked;