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Category: Articles
Published on Monday, 04 February 2019 18:37
Written by AltonaLab
Hits: 1600
Users and Rights conception
License: Industrial
A concept has been developed that restricts users to some actions with the diagram, as editing, starting, stopping.
Editing/adding users, rights:
To access the interface for user and rights, you must first Log In. This happens from the LogIn icon located in the Design/Process buttons bar at the top of the AltonaLab application.
If you run this interface for the first time and users have not been added, you must Log In as an Administrator with:
UserName: admin
Password: 1234
The default password of the Administrator can be changed later with the User interface. The user interface can be opened with Users icon located in Settings buttons bar at the top of the AltonaLab application.
Settings of the user are:
Full name;
Auto LogIn - only one of the all available users can has checked Auto LogIn. This means, then the diagram is run, the application will not ask for LogIn, it will automatically Logged In with the user with checked Auto LogIn and the diagram will be started;
For user Administrator, only a Password can be edited.
Editing user's rights:
With button Edit users's settings, we can edit the access restrictions of the selected user:
Can run diagram - the user can Start/Stop the diagram;
Can change diagram - the user can edit the diagram - add/delete blocks, move them...;
Setting up a diagram for working with users:
To use the users concept at the diagram, you need to right-click on an empty space of the diagram and check the Use Users check-box. Then save the diagram!!!
Editing a diagram which uses users:
To edit the diagram, you must Log In with a user who has the right setting: Can change diagram. Logging happens from the Log In button from the top icons bar of the application;
Starting a diagram which uses users - there are three models to start the diagram. All the models need an user with checked restriction Can run diagram:
when the application AltonaLab is started, press the Log In button and Log In the application. Using this model, the user is always logged in. Then just press the Start/Stop button and the diagram will Start/Stop without asking for UserName and Password;
when the application AltonaLab is started, press the button Start to start the diagram, the application will ask you for UserName and Password and then the diagram will be started. When you want to stop the diagram, press the button Stop and application will ask you again for UserName and Password. Using this model, the user is not always logged in;
if there is an User with checked Auto LogIn, when the diagram is started, it will be automatically Logged in with this user and the application will not ask you for an UserName and a Password;
Block CurrUser
License: Industrial
The block located in a Users library. If the diagram uses users and the diagram is started, the block's output will have values for the logged in user or for user who started the diagram.
Block's output:
UserID - ID numer of the user in the Database;
UserName - User name of the user;
FullName - the name of the user;