15 - 02 - 2025

DateTime library

AltonaLab software allows mathematical and logical operations over DateTime type signals.


Block CurrTime:

License: Hobby, Industrial

The block's output value is the current computer time.



Block TimeInfo:

License: Hobby, Industrial

The block provides information about the components of the InTime input and show them to the corresponding outputs Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Milliseconds, DayOfWeek (from zero:Sunday to six:Saturday)

Block TimeDiff:

License: Hobby, Industrial

The block subtracts the two inputs InTime1, InTime2 and shows their difference as the integer outputs of the block. The outputs Larger at high level means InTime1>InTime2, the output Equal in high level means InTime1=InTime2, the output Less in high level means InTime1<InTime2.



Block TimeConst:

License: Hobby, Industrial

The block outputs time corresponding to its parameters: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second.



Block TimeInPeriod:

License: Hobby, Industrial

The block checks how the input CheckedTime is related with period of two times InTime1 and InTime2. The block's outputs are:

  • Larger - means CheckedTime>InTime2;
  • InPeriod - means InTime1<=CheckedTime and CheckedTime<=InTime1;
  • Less - means CheckedTime<InTime1;


Block AddSubTime:

License: Hobby, Industrial

The block allows adding / subtracting days, hours, minutes, seconds to the time of the input In. Whether we add or subtract depends on the parameter Type that has values Add, Substract.



Block TimeElapsed:

License: Hobby, Industrial

The block shows the elapsed time from the start of the diagram. The work of the block can be temporary stoped using input Enable. The values of the outputs can be cleared using input Clear.