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Category: Articles
Published on Tuesday, 08 January 2019 19:17
Written by AltonaLab
Hits: 1810
Block CounterDigital
License: Industrial
The block is used to count digital pulses at input In. Number of pulses are shown on output Out.
Block's parameters:
OnLimit - when output Out is greater than the parameter OnLimit, the output ONLimitReached becomes to high level;
OffLimit - when output Out is smaller than the parameter OffLimit, the output OffLimitReached becomes to high level;
Block's inputs:
In - for pulse counting;
Positive - if the input is not connected, every pulse at input In increases the output Out, if the input is connected and is at high level, every pulse at input In increases the output Out, if the input Positive is at low level, the pulse decrease the output Out;
Reset - clears the output Out;
Enable - if the input is connected, low level of the input will stop the work of the block;
Value - with this input we can set a new value of the output Out. This input works together with input SetValue;
SetValue - when the input becomes to high level, the output Out is set with value of the input Value;
Block's outputs:
Out - shows the number of counted pulses;
OnLimitReached - output Out is greater than the parameter OnLimit;
OffLimitReached - output Out is smaller than the parameter OffLimit;
Block Totalizer
License: Industrial
The block accumulates the value of the input In and shows the accumulated value per second, minute, hour, day, respectively, of the outputs ForSec, ForMin, ForHour, ForDay. The native not converted accumulated value of the input In is shown on output CurrAccumulatedValue.
Block's parameters:
CutOff - the minimum value being accepted by the In input;
Input type - may has the next values: For sec, For min, For hour. Affects the accumulated values of input In;
Scan rate - works together with parameter Input type. If Scan rate is 10 and Input type is For Sec, then on every 10 sec the value of the input will be accumulated from the block;
TargetValue - if the value of the output of the block related to parameter Input type is greater than parameter TargetValue, then the output TargetReached will become to high value. For example if Input type is For min, then output ForMin will be compared with parameter TargetValue;
Threshold - if the output of the block related to parameter Input type is greater the parameter Threshold, then the outputs of the block will be reset;
Block's inputs:
In - the block accumulates the value of this input;
Positive - if the input is not connected or is connected and is at high level, then the value of the input In will be accumulated with positive sign. If the input is at low level, the value of input In will be accumulated with negative sign;
Reset - clears the values of outputs ForSec, ForMin, ForHour, ForDay, CurrAccumulatedValue. At this moment, the value of the output of the block related to parameter Input type will be remembered and will be shown at output ResetValue;
Enable - if the input is connected and is at low level, the block stops work;
Value - with this input we can set a new value of the outputs. The input works together with input SetValue and parameter Input type;
SetValue - when the input becomes to high level, the output determined from parameter Input Type will be set with value of the input Value;
AccumulatedValue - with this input we can set a new value of the output CurrAccumulatedValue, then all other outputs will be recalculated: ForSec, ForMin, ForHour, ForDay. The input works together with input SetAccumulatedValue;
SetAccumulatedValue - when the input becomes to high level, the output CurrAccumulatedValue will be set with value of the input AccumulatedValue;
Block's outputs:
ForSec - calculated accumulated value for second;
ForMin - calculated accumulated value for minute;
ForHour - calculated accumulated value for hour;
ForDay - calculated accumulated value for day;
CurrAccumulatedValue - native, not calculated accumulated value;
TargetReached - becomes to high level if the value of the output of the block related to parameter Input type is greater than parameter TargetValue;
ResetValue - the remembered value of the output of the block related to parameter Input type, at the moment when the input Reset becomes to high level;